When a keyword is used

This trigger is the component of the AtBot Flow connector that defines when this Flow should be used from your bot. Skills in AtBot can start with this trigger.


Trigger Description
The trigger description is used in the AtBot Admin Portal to help identify the skill as well as in the autogenerated help card that comes back from AtBot
Bot Trigger Type
The bot trigger type defines whether this skill can be run by anyone in the organization (Shared) or just you (Personal)
Keywords are the easiest way to trigger a skill. You may assign multiple keywords to a single skill by separating each one with a semicolon (be sure to have no spaces between each keyword set). If there are more than one skill with the same keyword, there is no guarantee that either one will be the one triggered, so be sure not have any duplicate keywords in your skills.

Returned Properties

Command Text
This is the raw text that the user sent to trigger this skill
Reply Activity
This is a special scope property that must be used in any subsequent actions to maintain the bot conversation
User Id
This is the Login Name (UPN) of the user who triggered the skill
Bot Scope Scope
The name of the scope the bot is coming from. This can only be set in DirectLine bot embed code.
Bot Scope Type
The type defined in the scope the bot is coming from. This can only be set in DirectLine bot embed code.
Bot Scope Uri
The URI defined in the scope the bot is coming from. This can only be set in DirectLine bot embed code.