Get Date Response from User

This action will send a message to the user prompting them for a date/time response. The bot will work with the user to find a proper date and time before submitting back to the Flow. This action must come after either a When an Intent is Used Trigger or Start a Private Conversation Action as it requires the scope data in the Reply Activity.


Date Scope
Selects what type of data you want from the user; date only, date and time, or time only.
The message is the question or prompt to the user for their input
Reply Activity
The Reply Activity is a special scope value that can only be set to the Reply Activity property that came back from either the When an Intent is Used Trigger or Start a Private Conversation Action.
Accept Response From
An optional value that is used in channel conversations in Teams. This allows you to control who can respond to the bot for this get response. This value is ignored in private chat with the bot.
Allow Branching
When this is set to Yes, users may branch out to other skills or QnA Maker and pass the data back to this action using Signal Response JSON. See Branching & Multitasking for more info.

Returned Properties

Response Date
The datetime response collected from the user
Response Date UTC
The datetime response collected from the user in UTC format
Cancellation Notice
This property will be True if the user responds with a cancellation keyword